String | componentClass = "" |
Integer[] | id = new Integer[1] |
String | _0010_name = "APPLICATION" |
String | name_label = "Variable Name" |
String | name_tooltip = "Use Java naming rules" |
Boolean | name_edit = true |
Boolean | name_show = true |
Validator | name_validator = Validator.getValidator(COMPONENT_NAME) |
String | name_updater = "variableNameChanger" |
int | _0820_x = 0 |
String | x_label = "X" |
String | x_tooltip = "pixels" |
Boolean | x_edit = true |
Boolean | x_show = true |
Validator | x_validator = Validator.getValidator(int.class, -9999, 9999) |
int | _0821_y = 0 |
String | y_label = "Y" |
String | y_tooltip = "pixels" |
Boolean | y_edit = true |
Boolean | y_show = true |
Validator | y_validator = x_validator |
int | _0826_width = 0 |
String | width_label = "Width" |
String | width_tooltip = "pixels" |
Boolean | width_edit = true |
Boolean | width_show = true |
Validator | width_validator = Validator.getValidator(int.class, 10, 9999) |
int | _0827_height = 0 |
String | height_label = "Height" |
String | height_tooltip = "pixels" |
Boolean | height_edit = true |
Boolean | height_show = true |
Validator | height_validator = width_validator |
String | _0030_eventHandler = "Event handler" |
String | eventHandler_label = "Event method" |
String | eventHandler_tooltip = "unique name for event handler method" |
Boolean | eventHandler_edit = true |
Boolean | eventHandler_show = true |
Validator | eventHandler_validator = Validator.getValidator(COMPONENT_NAME_0) |
int | COMPONENT_NAME = 0x00000020 |
int | COMPONENT_NAME_0 = 0x00000021 |
int | COLOUR_SCHEME = 0x00000022 |
int | CURSOR_CHANGER = 0x00000023 |
int | SLIDER_SKIN = 0x00000024 |
int | RENDERER = 0x00000025 |
int | KNOB_CTRL = 0x00000026 |
int | ICON_POS = 0x00000027 |
int | H_ALIGN = 0x00000028 |
int | V_ALIGN = 0x00000029 |
int | VALUE_TYPE = 0x0000002A |
int | TEXT_ORIENT = 0x0000002B |
int | STICK_TYPE = 0x0000002C |
int | CLOSE_ACTION = 0x0000002D |
int | SCALE = 0x0000002E |
int | FONT = 0x0000002F |
int | FONT_STYLE = 0x00000030 |
int | VALID = 0x00000040 |
int | INVALID_LENGTH = 0x00000041 |
int | FIRST_CHAR_INVALID = 0x00000042 |
int | HAS_A_SPACE = 0x00000043 |
int | INVALID_CHAR = 0x00000044 |
int | UNAVAILABLE = 0x00000045 |
String | CODE_TAG = "(//_CODE_:.*:\\d{6}:)" |
String | SK_SIZE = "(?:^|\\s|;)size\\s*\\(\\s*(\\S+)\\s*,\\s*(\\d+),?\\s*([^\\)]*)\\s*\\)" |
String | ADD_HANDLER = " {0}.addEventHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n" |
String | ADD_DRAW_HANDLER = " {0}.addDrawHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n" |
String | ADD_MOUSE_HANDLER = " {0}.addMouseHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n" |
String | ADD_KEY_HANDLER = " {0}.addKeyHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n" |
String | ADD_PRE_HANDLER = " {0}.addPreHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n" |
String | ADD_POST_HANDLER = " {0}.addPostHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n" |
String | ADD_CLOSE_HANDLER = " {0}.addOnCloseHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n" |
String | METHOD_START_0 = "public void {0}({1} source) [ //_CODE_:{2}:{3}:\n" |
String | METHOD_START_1 = "public void {0}({1} source, GEvent event) [ //_CODE_:{2}:{3}:\n" |
String | WIN_DRAW = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n" |
String | WIN_MOUSE = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data, MouseEvent mevent) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n" |
String | WIN_KEY = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data, KeyEvent kevent) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n" |
String | WIN_PRE = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n" |
String | WIN_POST = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n" |
String | ON_CLOSE = "public void {0}(GWindow window) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n" |
String | METHOD_END = "] //_CODE_:{0}:{1}:\n\n" |
String | SET_SKETCH_TITLE = " surface.setTitle(\"{0}\");\n" |
String | SET_SKETCH_COLOR = " G4P.setGlobalColorScheme(GCScheme.{0});\n" |
String | SET_G4P_MESSAGES = " G4P.messagesEnabled({0});\n" |
String | SET_CURSOR_OFF = " G4P.setCursor({0});\n" |
String | SET_MOUSE_OVER_ON = " G4P.setMouseOverEnabled({0});\n" |
String | SET_ROUND_CORNERS = " GButton.useRoundCorners({0});\n" |
String | SET_GLOBAL_DISPLAY_FONT = " G4P.setDisplayFont(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});\n" |
String | SET_GLOBAL_INPUT_FONT = " G4P.setInputFont(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});\n" |
String | SET_GLOBAL_SLIDER_FONT = " G4P.setSliderFont(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});\n" |
String | SET_TEXT = " {0}.setText(\"{1}\");\n" |
String | SET_PROMPT_TEXT = " {0}.setPromptText(\"{1}\");\n" |
String | SET_TEXT_ALIGN = " {0}.setTextAlign(GAlign.{1}, GAlign.{2});\n" |
String | SET_ICON = " {0}.setIcon(\"{1}\", {2}, GAlign.{3}, GAlign.{4}, GAlign.{5});\n" |
String | SET_ICON_POS = " {0}.setIconPos(GAlign.{1});\n" |
String | SET_ICON_ALIGN = " {0}.setIconAlign(GAlign.{1}, GAlign.{2});\n" |
String | SET_TEXT_BOLD = " {0}.setTextBold();\n" |
String | SET_TEXT_ITALIC = " {0}.setTextItalic();\n" |
String | SET_OPAQUE = " {0}.setOpaque({1});\n" |
String | SET_ACTION_ON_CLOSE = " {0}.setActionOnClose(G4P.{1});\n" |
String | SET_LOCAL_COLOR = " {0}.setLocalColorScheme(GCScheme.{1});\n" |
String | CTOR_WINDOW = " {0} = GWindow.getWindow({1}, \"{2}\", {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7});\n {0}.noLoop();\n" |
String | LOOP_WINDOW = " {0}.loop();\n" |
String | CTOR_GBUTTON = " {0} = new GButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n" |
String | CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYWHFM = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, \"{7}\");\n" |
String | CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYWHF = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYFM = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, \"{5}\");\n" |
String | CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYF = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4});\n" |
String | CTOR_IMG_TOG_BTN_0 = " {0} = new GImageToggleButton({1}, {2}, {3});\n" |
String | CTOR_IMG_TOG_BTN_1 = " {0} = new GImageToggleButton({1}, {2}, {3}, \"{4}\", {5}, {6});\n" |
String | CTOR_IMG_TOG_BTN_2 = " {0} = new GImageToggleButton({1}, {2}, {3}, \"{4}\", \"{5}\", {6}, {7});\n" |
String | CTOR_GSTICK = " {0} = new GStick({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n" |
String | SET_STICK_MODE = " {0}.setMode(G4P.{1});\n" |
String | CTOR_GCHECKBOX = " {0} = new GCheckbox({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n" |
String | CTOR_GLABEL = " {0} = new GLabel({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n" |
String | CTOR_VIEW = " {0} = new GView({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | CTOR_VIEW_PCAM_6 = " {0} = new GViewPeasyCam({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | CTOR_VIEW_PCAM_9 = " {0} = new GViewPeasyCam({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, new PVector({6}, {7}, {8}), {9});\n" |
String | CTOR_GOPTION = " {0} = new GOption({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n" |
String | SEL_OPTION = " {0}.setSelected({1});\n" |
String | CTOR_GOPTIONGROUP = " {0} = new GToggleGroup();\n" |
String | CTOR_GPANEL = " {0} = new GPanel({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, \"{6}\");\n" |
String | COLLAPSED = " {0}.setCollapsed({1});\n" |
String | COLLAPSIBLE = " {0}.setCollapsible({1});\n" |
String | DRAGGABLE = " {0}.setDraggable({1});\n" |
String | CTOR_GPASSWORD1 = " {0} = new GPassword({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n" |
String | CTOR_GPASSWORD2 = " {0} = new GPassword({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | PWORD_SIZE = " {0}.setMaxWordLength({1});\n" |
String | CTOR_GTEXTFIELD = " {0} = new GTextField({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | CTOR_GTEXTAREA = " {0} = new GTextArea({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | SBAR_POLICY = "" |
String | CTOR_GSLIDER = " {0} = new GSlider({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | CTOR_GSLIDER2D = " {0} = new GSlider2D({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n" |
String | MAKE_VERT = " {0}.setRotation({1}, GControlMode.CORNER);\n" |
String | SET_LIMITS = " {0}.setLimits({1}, {2}, {3});\n" |
String | SET_X_LIMITS = " {0}.setLimitsX({1}, {2}, {3});\n" |
String | SET_Y_LIMITS = " {0}.setLimitsY({1}, {2}, {3});\n" |
String | SET_VALUE_TYPE = " {0}.setNumberFormat(G4P.{1}, {2});\n" |
String | SET_NBR_TICKS = " {0}.setNbrTicks({1});\n" |
String | SET_STICK_TICKS = " {0}.setStickToTicks({1});\n" |
String | SET_SHOW_TICKS = " {0}.setShowTicks({1});\n" |
String | SET_SHOW_VALUE = " {0}.setShowValue({1});\n" |
String | SET_SHOW_LIMITS = " {0}.setShowLimits({1});\n" |
String | SET_TEXT_ORIENT = " {0}.setTextOrientation(G4P.{1});\n" |
String | SET_EASING = " {0}.setEasing({1});\n" |
String | CTOR_GCUSTOMSLIDER = " {0} = new GCustomSlider({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, \"{6}\");\n" |
String | CTOR_GTIMER = " {0} = new GTimer({1}, {2}, \"{3}\", {4});\n" |
String | START_TIMER_0 = " {0}.start();\n" |
String | START_TIMER_1 = " {0}.start({1});\n" |
String | INIT_DELAY_TIMER = " {0}.setInitialDelay({1});\n" |
String | CTOR_GKNOB = " {0} = new GKnob({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n" |
String | SET_TURN_RANGE = " {0}.setTurnRange({1}, {2});\n" |
String | SET_CONTROLLER = " {0}.setTurnMode(GKnob.CTRL_{1});\n" |
String | SET_DRAG_SENSITIVITY = " {0}.setSensitivity({1});\n" |
String | SET_SHOW_TRACK = " {0}.setShowTrack({1});\n" |
String | SET_SHOW_ARC_ONLY = " {0}.setShowArcOnly({1});\n" |
String | SET_OVER_ARC_ONLY = " {0}.setOverArcOnly({1});\n" |
String | SET_OVER_GRIP_ONLY = " {0}.setIncludeOverBezel({1});\n" |
String | CTOR_DROPLIST = " {0} = new GDropList({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7});\n" |
String | CTOR_SET_LIST = " {0}.setItems(loadStrings(\"{1}\"), {2});\n" |
String | TIME = "+ millis());\n" |
String | EVENT_TYPE_TIME = "+ event + \" @ \" + millis());\n" |
String | CODE_ANY = " println(\"{0} - {1} >> GEvent.\" " + EVENT_TYPE_TIME |
String | CODE_NO_EVENT_PARAM = " println(\"{0} - {1} >> an event occured @ \" " + TIME |
String | CODE_GWINDOW_DRAW = " appc.background(230);\n" |
String | CODE_GWINDOW_MOUSE = " println(\"{0} - mouse event \" " + TIME |
String | CODE_GWINDOW_KEY = " println(\"{0} - key event \" " + TIME |
String | CODE_GWINDOW_PRE = " println(\"{0} - pre method called \" " + TIME |
String | CODE_GWINDOW_POST = " println(\"{0} - post method called \" " + TIME |
String | CODE_GWINDOW_CLOSE = " println(\"{0} - window closed at \" " + TIME |
String | INDENT = " " |
String | ADD_A_CHILD = " {0}.addControl({1});\n" |
final String | SEP = File.separator |
final String | PDE_TAB_PRETTY_NAME = "gui" |
final String | PDE_TAB_NAME = PDE_TAB_PRETTY_NAME + ".pde" |
final String | GUI_MODEL_FILE_FILTER = "gui.ser." |
final String | GUI_MODEL_FILENAME = GUI_MODEL_FILE_FILTER + G4PTool.getCompatibleVersionNo() |
final String | G4P_TOOL_DATA_FOLDER = "tools" + SEP + "##project.name##" + SEP + "data" |
final String | G4P_LIB = "G4P" + SEP + "library" + SEP + "G4P.jar" |
final String | GUI_PDE_BASE = G4P_TOOL_DATA_FOLDER + SEP + "gui_base.txt" |
final String | TAB0_PDE_BASE = G4P_TOOL_DATA_FOLDER + SEP + "tab0.txt" |
int | HANDLE_SIZE = 6 |
int | OVER_NONE = 0x00000000 |
int | OVER_COMP = 0x00000200 |
int | OVER_HORZ = 0x00000201 |
int | OVER_VERT = 0x00000202 |
int | OVER_DIAG = 0x00000203 |
int | MOVED = 0x00010001 |
int | RESIZED = 0x00010002 |
int | LEFT = 0x00000000 |
int | RIGHT = 0x00000001 |
int | CENTER = 0x00000002 |
int | TOP = 0x00000000 |
int | BOTTOM = 0x00000001 |
int | MIDDLE = 0x00000002 |
int | NORTH = 0x00000000 |
int | SOUTH = 0x00000001 |
int | EAST = 0x00000002 |
int | WEST = 0x00000003 |
int | TEXT_ONLY = 0x00000000 |
int | ICON_ONLY = 0x00000001 |
int | TEXT_AND_ICON = 0x00000002 |
BasicStroke | stdStroke |
BasicStroke | selStroke |
BasicStroke | needleStroke |
BasicStroke | heavyStroke |
BasicStroke | dashed |
Color | DASHED_EDGE_COLOR = new Color(32,32,32,128) |
Color | csdrBack = new Color(0,0,0, 8) |
Color | csdrBorder = new Color(0,0,0, 32) |
Color | csdrSlideBack = new Color(220, 220, 220) |
Color | csdrSlideBorder = new Color(64, 64, 64) |
Color | csdrThumb = new Color(255,255,0) |
Color | winBack = new Color(240,240,240) |
Color | winEdge = new Color(160,160,160) |
Every control in the G4P library has its equivalent class in this package, for instance GButton –> DButton. The classes in this package provide information about the properties available in the property grid for a particular component.
If an attribute identifier in one of these classes starts with an underscore followed by a 4 digit numbers then it is to become a property e.g.
The 4 digit number is used to decide the order properties should appear in the property grid.
The part after the second underscore is the property name and this is used to provide additional information about the property, so for
is the text that describes the property in the grid.
can the property be edited.
is the property visible in the grid.
the tooltip text for the property grid.
the object used to edit the property.
the object used to validate the proerty value.
the name of the method to call after the property has changed.
If an editor and or validator is not specified for each property a default one based on the data type is provided.
The program uses reflection to get these attributes which are used to create a table model (CtrlPropModel class) for the property grid table (CtrlPropView class).
- Author
- Peter Lager