G4P (GUI for Processing) 4.3.9
A set of GUI controls for your Processing sketch.
No Matches
g4p_controls.GCustomSlider Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for g4p_controls.GCustomSlider:

Public Member Functions

 GCustomSlider (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
 GCustomSlider (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, String skin)
void setStyle (String skin)
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
void draw ()
float getTrackOffset ()
String getValueS ()
 GLinearTrackControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
void mouseEvent (MouseEvent event)
void setShowTicks (boolean showTicks)
void setTextOrientation (int orient)
void setTickLabels (String[] tickLabels)
void setTrackOffset (float offset)
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GValueControl
float getEasing ()
float getEndLimit ()
int getNbrTicks ()
int getPrecision ()
float getStartLimit ()
String getUnit ()
float getValueF ()
int getValueI ()
String getValueS ()
int getValueType ()
 GValueControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
boolean isShowLimits ()
boolean isShowTicks ()
boolean isShowValue ()
boolean isStickToTicks ()
void pre ()
void setEasing (float easeBy)
void setLimits (float initValue, float start, float end)
void setLimits (float start, float end)
void setLimits (int initValue, int start, int end)
void setLimits (int start, int end)
void setNbrTicks (int noOfTicks)
void setNumberFormat (int numberFormat)
void setNumberFormat (int numberFormat, int precision)
void setNumberFormat (int numberFormat, int precision, String unit)
void setPrecision (int nd)
void setShowDecor (boolean opaque, boolean ticks, boolean value, boolean limits)
void setShowLimits (boolean showLimits)
void setShowTicks (boolean showTicks)
void setShowValue (boolean showValue)
void setStickToTicks (boolean stickToTicks)
void setUnits (String units)
void setValue (float v)
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
void addControl (GAbstractControl c)
void addControl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y)
void addControl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle)
void addControls (GAbstractControl... controls)
void addEventHandler (Object obj, String methodName)
void dispose ()
void draw ()
void forceBufferUpdate ()
 GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet)
 GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1)
 GAbstractControl (PApplet theApplet, float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3)
int getAlpha ()
int getCursorOver ()
float getCX ()
float getCY ()
float getHeight ()
int getLocalColorScheme ()
PApplet getPApplet ()
GAbstractControl getParent ()
PGraphics getSnapshot ()
GToolTip getTip ()
float getWidth ()
float getX ()
float getY ()
boolean hasFocus ()
boolean isDragging ()
boolean isEnabled ()
boolean isOpaque ()
boolean isVisible ()
void keyEvent (KeyEvent e)
void mouseEvent (MouseEvent event)
void moveTo (float px, float py)
void moveTo (float px, float py, GControlMode mode)
void post ()
void pre ()
void removeTip ()
boolean saveSnapshot ()
boolean saveSnapshot (String filename)
void setAlpha (int alpha)
void setAlpha (int alpha, boolean includeChildren)
void setCursorOver (int cursorOver)
void setEnabled (boolean enable)
void setFocus (boolean focus)
void setLocalColor (int colorNo, int color)
void setLocalColorScheme (int cs)
void setLocalColorScheme (int cs, boolean includeChildren)
void setOpaque (boolean opaque)
void setRotation (float angle)
void setRotation (float angle, GControlMode mode)
void setTip (GToolTip tt, float dx, float dy)
void setTip (GToolTip tt, GAlign ax, GAlign ay, float gap)
void setTip (String text, float dx, float dy)
void setTip (String text, GAlign ax, GAlign ay, float gap)
void setTipDisplayTime (long msecs)
void setTipHorz (boolean level)
void setTipText (String text)
void setVisible (boolean visible)
String toString ()

Protected Member Functions

float calcTrackOffset ()
void updateBuffer ()
void updateDueToValueChanging ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
float calcTrackOffset ()
void drawLabels (Graphics2D g2d)
void drawLimits (Graphics2D g2d)
void drawValue (Graphics2D g2d)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GValueControl
float calcParametricTarget (float pt)
float findNearestTickValueTo (float p)
String getNumericDisplayString (float number)
void setEpsilon ()
void updateDueToValueChanging ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
void addControlImpl (GAbstractControl c, float x, float y, float angle)
void addToParent (GAbstractControl p)
void calcTransformedOrigin (float px, float py)
void createEventHandler (Object handlerObj, String methodName, Class[] param_classes, String[] param_names)
void drawChildren ()
void fireEvent (Object... objects)
int focusObjectZ ()
PGraphics getBuffer ()
int getCurrHotSpot ()
AffineTransform getTransform (AffineTransform aff)
void hideTip ()
boolean isAvailable ()
boolean isDisplayable (int ascii)
boolean isSuitableForGroupControl (GAbstractControl control)
void loseFocus (GAbstractControl grabber)
void makeBuffer ()
void manageToolTip ()
void resize (int w, int h)
void setAvailable (boolean avail)
void setTextRenderingHints (Graphics2D g2d, int hint)
void setZ (int parentZ)
void showTip ()
void takeFocus ()
void updateBuffer ()
int whichHotSpot (float px, float py)

Protected Attributes

PImage centre
PImage leftEnd
PImage rightEnd
PImage thumb
PImage thumb_mouseover
- Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
int downHotSpot = -1
StyledString[] labels
boolean labelsInvalid = true
Font localFont = G4P.sliderFont
int status = OFF_CONTROL
int textOrientation = ORIENT_TRACK
float trackDisplayLength
float trackLength
float trackOffset
float trackWidth
- Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GValueControl
float easing = 1.0f
float endLimit = 1
boolean limitsInvalid = true
int nbrTicks = 2
float offset
float parametricPos = 0.5f
float parametricTarget = 0.5f
int precision = 2
boolean showLimits = false
boolean showTicks = false
boolean showValue = false
StyledString ssEndLimit
StyledString ssStartLimit
StyledString ssValue
float startLimit = 0
boolean stickToTicks = false
String unit = ""
boolean valueInvalid = true
int valueType = DECIMAL
float wheelDelta = WHEEL_DELTA
- Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
boolean allowChildren = true
boolean allowToolTips = true
int alphaLevel = G4P.globalAlpha
PGraphicsJava2D buffer = null
boolean bufferInvalid = true
LinkedList< GAbstractControlchildren = null
int currSpot = -1
int cursorOver = HAND
float cx
float cy
boolean dragging = false
Method eventHandlerMethod = null
String eventHandlerMethodName
Object eventHandlerObject = null
float halfHeight
float halfWidth
float height
HotSpot[] hotspots = null
int lastSpot = -1
int localColorScheme = G4P.globalColorScheme
boolean opaque = false
float ox
float oy
Color[] palette = null
GAbstractControl parent = null
int registeredMethods = 0
float rotAngle
double[] temp = new double[2]
GToolTip tip = null
float width
PApplet winApp
float x
float y
int z = Z_STICKY

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
String tag = ""
int tagNo
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GConstants
int ALPHA_BLOCK = 128
int ALPHA_PICK = 48
TextAttribute BACKGROUND = TextAttribute.BACKGROUND
int BOLD = Font.BOLD
int CLOSE_WINDOW = 0x00000f02
int CTRL_ANGULAR = 0x00000501
int CTRL_HORIZONTAL = 0x00000502
int CTRL_VERTICAL = 0x00000503
int DECIMAL = 1
char END = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_END
int EXIT_APP = 0x00000f01
int EXPONENT = 2
TextAttribute FAMILY = TextAttribute.FAMILY
TextAttribute FOREGROUND = TextAttribute.FOREGROUND
int FORWARD = 1
int HIDE_WINDOW = 0x00000f04
char HOME = java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_HOME
int INTEGER = 0
int KEEP_OPEN = 0x00000f03
int NO = JOptionPane.NO_OPTION
int OK = JOptionPane.OK_OPTION
int ORIENT_LEFT = -1
int PLAIN = Font.PLAIN
TextAttribute POSTURE = TextAttribute.POSTURE
Float POSTURE_OBLIQUE = new Float(0.20f)
Float POSTURE_REGULAR = new Float(0.0f)
int RED_SCHEME = 0
int REVERSE = -1
int SCHEME_10 = 10
int SCHEME_11 = 11
int SCHEME_12 = 12
int SCHEME_13 = 13
int SCHEME_14 = 14
int SCHEME_15 = 15
int SCHEME_8 = 8
int SCHEME_9 = 9
int SCROLLBARS_BOTH = 0x0003
int SCROLLBARS_NONE = 0x0000
TextAttribute SIZE = TextAttribute.SIZE
Boolean STRIKETHROUGH_OFF = new Boolean(false)
Boolean STRIKETHROUGH_ON = new Boolean(true)
TextAttribute SUPERSCRIPT = TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT
Integer SUPERSCRIPT_OFF = new Integer(0)
Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUB = new Integer(-1)
Integer SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER = new Integer(1)
int USER_COL_SCHEME = 0x00010102
TextAttribute WEIGHT = TextAttribute.WEIGHT
Float WEIGHT_BOLD = new Float(2.0f)
Float WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD = new Float(1.75f)
Float WEIGHT_DEMILIGHT = new Float(0.875f)
Float WEIGHT_EXTRA_LIGHT = new Float(0.5f)
Float WEIGHT_EXTRABOLD = new Float(2.5f)
Float WEIGHT_HEAVY = new Float(2.25f)
Float WEIGHT_LIGHT = new Float(0.75f)
Float WEIGHT_MEDIUM = new Float(1.5f)
Float WEIGHT_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f)
Float WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD = new Float(1.25f)
Float WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD = new Float(2.75f)
TextAttribute WIDTH = TextAttribute.WIDTH
Float WIDTH_CONDENSED = new Float(0.75f)
Float WIDTH_EXTENDED = new Float(1.5f)
Float WIDTH_REGULAR = new Float(1.0f)
Float WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED = new Float(0.875f)
Float WIDTH_SEMI_EXTENDED = new Float(1.25f)
int X4 = 1
int X8 = 2
int YES = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION
int YES_NO = JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl
static int THUMB_SPOT = 1
static float TINSET = 2
static int TRACK_SPOT = 2
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl
static float epsilon = 0.001f

Detailed Description

Slider that can be customised with user provided graphics.

This class replaces the GWSlider provided in pre v3 editions of this library.

The main difference to the GSlider class is the ability to skin the slider with user provided graphics. The library provides a number of skins ready for use. You specify the skin to use when the slider is created and if the library is unable to load the skin it will print a warning and load the default skin instead.

Library skins available

  • grey_blue (default skin)
  • green_red20px
  • red_yellow18px
  • blue18px
  • purple18px

A skin requires 5 image files for different parts of the slider which must be stored in their own folder (the folder name is also used as the skin name) and this folder should be place inside the sketch's data folder.

The image files have specific names.

  • Left end cap of the slider(end_left.???)
  • Right end cap of the slider(end_right.???)
  • An extendible centre segment(centre.???)
  • Draggable thumb (handle.??? and handle_mouseover.???)

Where ??? is the image type file extension. The image type can be any that Processing can handle, the most common types will be png, jpg or gif but tga is also permitted

There are very few restrictions about the images you use but when designing the images you should consider the following facts:

  • the slider will be created to fit the control size (specified in the constructor)
  • the horizontal space allocated for the end-caps will be the same for each end (uses the width or the larger end cap image)
  • the track width will be the height of the centre image
  • the centre image will be tiled along the track length
  • the track will be placed in the horizontal and vertical centre of the control.
  • the end cap images will be placed in the vertical centre of the control and butted against the track.
Peter Lager

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GCustomSlider() [1/2]

g4p_controls.GCustomSlider.GCustomSlider ( PApplet  theApplet,
float  p0,
float  p1,
float  p2,
float  p3 

Create a custom slider using the default skin.

theAppletthe main sketch or GWindow control for this control
p0x position based on control mode
p1y position based on control mode
p2x position or width based on control mode
p3y position or height based on control mode

◆ GCustomSlider() [2/2]

g4p_controls.GCustomSlider.GCustomSlider ( PApplet  theApplet,
float  p0,
float  p1,
float  p2,
float  p3,
String  skin 

Create a custom slider using the skin specified.

theAppletthe main sketch or GWindow control for this control
p0x position based on control mode
p1y position based on control mode
p2x position or width based on control mode
p3y position or height based on control mode
skinthe name of the skin (this is also the name of the folder holding the images)

Member Function Documentation

◆ calcTrackOffset()

float g4p_controls.GCustomSlider.calcTrackOffset ( )

Calculates the amount of offset for the labels

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GLinearTrackControl.

◆ setStyle()

void g4p_controls.GCustomSlider.setStyle ( String  skin)

Change the skin used for the slider.

skinthe name of the folder holding the graphics for this slider

◆ updateBuffer()

void g4p_controls.GCustomSlider.updateBuffer ( )

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GAbstractControl.

◆ updateDueToValueChanging()

void g4p_controls.GCustomSlider.updateDueToValueChanging ( )

This should be overridden in child classes so they can perform any class specific actions when the value changes. Override this in GSlider to change the hotshot position.

Reimplemented from g4p_controls.GValueControl.