G4P GUI Builder  4.4
Visual GUI designer for the G4P v4.3.1 library
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables
g4p.tool.controls.DLinearTrack Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for g4p.tool.controls.DLinearTrack:

Public Attributes

Boolean _0621_show_value = false
Boolean show_value_edit = true
Boolean show_value_show = true
String show_value_label = "Show value?"
Boolean _0622_show_limits = false
Boolean show_limitse_edit = true
Boolean show_limits_show = true
String show_limits_label = "Show limits?"
String _0630_text_orient = "ORIENT_TRACK"
transient EditorBase text_orient_editor = new EditorJComboBox(TEXT_ORIENT)
String text_orient_label = "Text direction"
Boolean text_orient_edit = true
Boolean text_orient_show = true
Boolean _0640_vert = false
Boolean vert_edit = true
Boolean vert_show = true
String vert_label = "Make vertical slider"
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DValue1D
Float _0220_value = 0.5f
String value_label = "Value (initial)"
String value_tooltip = "initial value to use"
Boolean value_edit = true
Boolean value_show = true
String value_updater = "validateLimits"
Float _0221_min = 0.0f
String min_label = "Minimum"
String min_tooltip = "smallest value slider can return"
Boolean min_edit = true
Boolean min_show = true
String min_updater = "validateLimits"
Float _0222_max = 1.0f
String max_label = "Maximum"
String max_tooltip = "largest value slider can return"
Boolean max_edit = true
Boolean max_show = true
String max_updater = "validateLimits"
Integer _0260_nticks = 2
String nticks_label = "Number of ticks"
String nticks_tooltip = "must be at least 2"
Boolean nticks_edit = true
Boolean nticks_show = true
Validator nticks_validator = Validator.getValidator(int.class, 2, 999)
Boolean _0261_stick_to_ticks = false
Boolean stick_to_ticks_edit = true
Boolean stick_to_ticks_show = true
String stick_to_ticks_label = "Stick to ticks?"
Float _0270_ease = 1.0f
String ease_label = "Easing"
String ease_tooltip = "initial value to use"
Boolean ease_edit = true
Boolean ease_show = true
Validator ease_validator = Validator.getValidator(float.class, 1, 30)
Boolean _0620_show_ticks = false
Boolean show_ticks_edit = true
Boolean show_ticks_show = true
String show_ticks_label = "Show ticks?"
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DValueBase
String _0250_vtype = "DECIMAL"
transient EditorBase vtype_editor = new EditorJComboBox(VALUE_TYPE)
String vtype_label = "Value type to display"
Boolean vtype_edit = true
Boolean vtype_show = true
String vtype_updater = "validateType"
Integer _0251_precision = 2
String precision_label = "Numeric precision"
String precision_tooltip = "precision to display"
Boolean precision_edit = true
Boolean precision_show = true
Validator precision_validator = Validator.getValidator(int.class, 0, 4)
String precision_updater = "validateType"
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBaseVisual
int colScheme
Color[] jpalette
Boolean _0009_lock = false
Boolean lock_edit = true
Boolean lock_show = true
String lock_label = "GUI LOCK"
String lock_updater = "lockChange"
Boolean _0600_opaque = false
Boolean opaque_edit = true
Boolean opaque_show = true
String opaque_label = "Opaque background?"
String _0940_col_scheme = DBase.globalColorSchemeName
transient EditorBase col_scheme_editor = new EditorJComboBox(COLOUR_SCHEME)
Boolean col_scheme_edit = true
Boolean col_scheme_show = true
String col_scheme_label = "Control colour scheme"
String col_scheme_updater = "colourSchemeChange"
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
String componentClass = ""
Integer[] id = new Integer[1]
String _0010_name = "APPLICATION"
String name_label = "Variable Name"
String name_tooltip = "Use Java naming rules"
Boolean name_edit = true
Boolean name_show = true
Validator name_validator = Validator.getValidator(COMPONENT_NAME)
String name_updater = "variableNameChanger"
int _0820_x = 0
String x_label = "X"
String x_tooltip = "pixels"
Boolean x_edit = true
Boolean x_show = true
Validator x_validator = Validator.getValidator(int.class, -9999, 9999)
int _0821_y = 0
String y_label = "Y"
String y_tooltip = "pixels"
Boolean y_edit = true
Boolean y_show = true
Validator y_validator = x_validator
int _0826_width = 0
String width_label = "Width"
String width_tooltip = "pixels"
Boolean width_edit = true
Boolean width_show = true
Validator width_validator = Validator.getValidator(int.class, 10, 9999)
int _0827_height = 0
String height_label = "Height"
String height_tooltip = "pixels"
Boolean height_edit = true
Boolean height_show = true
Validator height_validator = width_validator
String _0030_eventHandler = "Event handler"
String eventHandler_label = "Event method"
String eventHandler_tooltip = "unique name for event handler method"
Boolean eventHandler_edit = true
Boolean eventHandler_show = true
Validator eventHandler_validator = Validator.getValidator(COMPONENT_NAME_0)
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.TDataConstants
int COMPONENT_NAME = 0x00000020
int COMPONENT_NAME_0 = 0x00000021
int COLOUR_SCHEME = 0x00000022
int CURSOR_CHANGER = 0x00000023
int SLIDER_SKIN = 0x00000024
int RENDERER = 0x00000025
int KNOB_CTRL = 0x00000026
int ICON_POS = 0x00000027
int H_ALIGN = 0x00000028
int V_ALIGN = 0x00000029
int VALUE_TYPE = 0x0000002A
int TEXT_ORIENT = 0x0000002B
int STICK_TYPE = 0x0000002C
int CLOSE_ACTION = 0x0000002D
int SCALE = 0x0000002E
int FONT = 0x0000002F
int FONT_STYLE = 0x00000030
int VALID = 0x00000040
int INVALID_LENGTH = 0x00000041
int FIRST_CHAR_INVALID = 0x00000042
int HAS_A_SPACE = 0x00000043
int INVALID_CHAR = 0x00000044
int UNAVAILABLE = 0x00000045
String CODE_TAG = "(//_CODE_:.*:\\d{6}:)"
String SK_SIZE = "(?:^|\\s|;)size\\s*\\(\\s*(\\S+)\\s*,\\s*(\\d+),?\\s*([^\\)]*)\\s*\\)"
String ADD_HANDLER = " {0}.addEventHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n"
String ADD_DRAW_HANDLER = " {0}.addDrawHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n"
String ADD_MOUSE_HANDLER = " {0}.addMouseHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n"
String ADD_KEY_HANDLER = " {0}.addKeyHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n"
String ADD_PRE_HANDLER = " {0}.addPreHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n"
String ADD_POST_HANDLER = " {0}.addPostHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n"
String ADD_CLOSE_HANDLER = " {0}.addOnCloseHandler({1}, \"{2}\");\n"
String METHOD_START_0 = "public void {0}({1} source) [ //_CODE_:{2}:{3}:\n"
String METHOD_START_1 = "public void {0}({1} source, GEvent event) [ //_CODE_:{2}:{3}:\n"
String WIN_DRAW = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n"
String WIN_MOUSE = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data, MouseEvent mevent) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n"
String WIN_KEY = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data, KeyEvent kevent) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n"
String WIN_PRE = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n"
String WIN_POST = "synchronized public void {0}(PApplet appc, GWinData data) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n"
String ON_CLOSE = "public void {0}(GWindow window) [ //_CODE_:{1}:{2}:\n"
String METHOD_END = "] //_CODE_:{0}:{1}:\n\n"
String SET_SKETCH_TITLE = " surface.setTitle(\"{0}\");\n"
String SET_SKETCH_COLOR = " G4P.setGlobalColorScheme(GCScheme.{0});\n"
String SET_G4P_MESSAGES = " G4P.messagesEnabled({0});\n"
String SET_CURSOR_OFF = " G4P.setCursor({0});\n"
String SET_MOUSE_OVER_ON = " G4P.setMouseOverEnabled({0});\n"
String SET_ROUND_CORNERS = " GButton.useRoundCorners({0});\n"
String SET_GLOBAL_DISPLAY_FONT = " G4P.setDisplayFont(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});\n"
String SET_GLOBAL_INPUT_FONT = " G4P.setInputFont(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});\n"
String SET_GLOBAL_SLIDER_FONT = " G4P.setSliderFont(\"{0}\", {1}, {2});\n"
String SET_TEXT = " {0}.setText(\"{1}\");\n"
String SET_PROMPT_TEXT = " {0}.setPromptText(\"{1}\");\n"
String SET_TEXT_ALIGN = " {0}.setTextAlign(GAlign.{1}, GAlign.{2});\n"
String SET_ICON = " {0}.setIcon(\"{1}\", {2}, GAlign.{3}, GAlign.{4}, GAlign.{5});\n"
String SET_ICON_POS = " {0}.setIconPos(GAlign.{1});\n"
String SET_ICON_ALIGN = " {0}.setIconAlign(GAlign.{1}, GAlign.{2});\n"
String SET_TEXT_BOLD = " {0}.setTextBold();\n"
String SET_TEXT_ITALIC = " {0}.setTextItalic();\n"
String SET_OPAQUE = " {0}.setOpaque({1});\n"
String SET_ACTION_ON_CLOSE = " {0}.setActionOnClose(G4P.{1});\n"
String SET_LOCAL_COLOR = " {0}.setLocalColorScheme(GCScheme.{1});\n"
String CTOR_WINDOW = " {0} = GWindow.getWindow({1}, \"{2}\", {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7});\n {0}.noLoop();\n"
String LOOP_WINDOW = " {0}.loop();\n"
String CTOR_GBUTTON = " {0} = new GButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n"
String CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYWHFM = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, \"{7}\");\n"
String CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYWHF = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYFM = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, \"{5}\");\n"
String CTOR_IMG_BTN_XYF = " {0} = new GImageButton({1}, {2}, {3}, {4});\n"
String CTOR_IMG_TOG_BTN_0 = " {0} = new GImageToggleButton({1}, {2}, {3});\n"
String CTOR_IMG_TOG_BTN_1 = " {0} = new GImageToggleButton({1}, {2}, {3}, \"{4}\", {5}, {6});\n"
String CTOR_IMG_TOG_BTN_2 = " {0} = new GImageToggleButton({1}, {2}, {3}, \"{4}\", \"{5}\", {6}, {7});\n"
String CTOR_GSTICK = " {0} = new GStick({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n"
String SET_STICK_MODE = " {0}.setMode(G4P.{1});\n"
String CTOR_GCHECKBOX = " {0} = new GCheckbox({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n"
String CTOR_GLABEL = " {0} = new GLabel({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n"
String CTOR_VIEW = " {0} = new GView({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String CTOR_VIEW_PCAM_6 = " {0} = new GViewPeasyCam({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String CTOR_VIEW_PCAM_9 = " {0} = new GViewPeasyCam({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, new PVector({6}, {7}, {8}), {9});\n"
String CTOR_GOPTION = " {0} = new GOption({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n"
String SEL_OPTION = " {0}.setSelected({1});\n"
String CTOR_GOPTIONGROUP = " {0} = new GToggleGroup();\n"
String CTOR_GPANEL = " {0} = new GPanel({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, \"{6}\");\n"
String COLLAPSED = " {0}.setCollapsed({1});\n"
String COLLAPSIBLE = " {0}.setCollapsible({1});\n"
String DRAGGABLE = " {0}.setDraggable({1});\n"
String CTOR_GPASSWORD1 = " {0} = new GPassword({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n"
String CTOR_GPASSWORD2 = " {0} = new GPassword({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String PWORD_SIZE = " {0}.setMaxWordLength({1});\n"
String CTOR_GTEXTFIELD = " {0} = new GTextField({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String CTOR_GTEXTAREA = " {0} = new GTextArea({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String SBAR_POLICY = ""
String CTOR_GSLIDER = " {0} = new GSlider({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String CTOR_GSLIDER2D = " {0} = new GSlider2D({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5});\n"
String MAKE_VERT = " {0}.setRotation({1}, GControlMode.CORNER);\n"
String SET_LIMITS = " {0}.setLimits({1}, {2}, {3});\n"
String SET_X_LIMITS = " {0}.setLimitsX({1}, {2}, {3});\n"
String SET_Y_LIMITS = " {0}.setLimitsY({1}, {2}, {3});\n"
String SET_VALUE_TYPE = " {0}.setNumberFormat(G4P.{1}, {2});\n"
String SET_NBR_TICKS = " {0}.setNbrTicks({1});\n"
String SET_STICK_TICKS = " {0}.setStickToTicks({1});\n"
String SET_SHOW_TICKS = " {0}.setShowTicks({1});\n"
String SET_SHOW_VALUE = " {0}.setShowValue({1});\n"
String SET_SHOW_LIMITS = " {0}.setShowLimits({1});\n"
String SET_TEXT_ORIENT = " {0}.setTextOrientation(G4P.{1});\n"
String SET_EASING = " {0}.setEasing({1});\n"
String CTOR_GCUSTOMSLIDER = " {0} = new GCustomSlider({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, \"{6}\");\n"
String CTOR_GTIMER = " {0} = new GTimer({1}, {2}, \"{3}\", {4});\n"
String START_TIMER_0 = " {0}.start();\n"
String START_TIMER_1 = " {0}.start({1});\n"
String INIT_DELAY_TIMER = " {0}.setInitialDelay({1});\n"
String CTOR_GKNOB = " {0} = new GKnob({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6});\n"
String SET_TURN_RANGE = " {0}.setTurnRange({1}, {2});\n"
String SET_CONTROLLER = " {0}.setTurnMode(GKnob.CTRL_{1});\n"
String SET_DRAG_SENSITIVITY = " {0}.setSensitivity({1});\n"
String SET_SHOW_TRACK = " {0}.setShowTrack({1});\n"
String SET_SHOW_ARC_ONLY = " {0}.setShowArcOnly({1});\n"
String SET_OVER_ARC_ONLY = " {0}.setOverArcOnly({1});\n"
String SET_OVER_GRIP_ONLY = " {0}.setIncludeOverBezel({1});\n"
String CTOR_DROPLIST = " {0} = new GDropList({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7});\n"
String CTOR_SET_LIST = " {0}.setItems(loadStrings(\"{1}\"), {2});\n"
String TIME = "+ millis());\n"
String EVENT_TYPE_TIME = "+ event + \" @ \" + millis());\n"
String CODE_ANY = " println(\"{0} - {1} >> GEvent.\" " + EVENT_TYPE_TIME
String CODE_NO_EVENT_PARAM = " println(\"{0} - {1} >> an event occured @ \" " + TIME
String CODE_GWINDOW_DRAW = " appc.background(230);\n"
String CODE_GWINDOW_MOUSE = " println(\"{0} - mouse event \" " + TIME
String CODE_GWINDOW_KEY = " println(\"{0} - key event \" " + TIME
String CODE_GWINDOW_PRE = " println(\"{0} - pre method called \" " + TIME
String CODE_GWINDOW_POST = " println(\"{0} - post method called \" " + TIME
String CODE_GWINDOW_CLOSE = " println(\"{0} - window closed at \" " + TIME
String INDENT = " "
String ADD_A_CHILD = " {0}.addControl({1});\n"
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.TFileConstants
final String SEP = File.separator
final String PDE_TAB_PRETTY_NAME = "gui"
final String PDE_TAB_NAME = PDE_TAB_PRETTY_NAME + ".pde"
final String GUI_MODEL_FILE_FILTER = "gui.ser."
final String GUI_MODEL_FILENAME = GUI_MODEL_FILE_FILTER + G4PTool.getCompatibleVersionNo()
final String G4P_TOOL_DATA_FOLDER = "tools" + SEP + "##project.name##" + SEP + "data"
final String G4P_LIB = "G4P" + SEP + "library" + SEP + "G4P.jar"
final String GUI_PDE_BASE = G4P_TOOL_DATA_FOLDER + SEP + "gui_base.txt"
final String TAB0_PDE_BASE = G4P_TOOL_DATA_FOLDER + SEP + "tab0.txt"
- Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.TGuiConstants
int OVER_NONE = 0x00000000
int OVER_COMP = 0x00000200
int OVER_HORZ = 0x00000201
int OVER_VERT = 0x00000202
int OVER_DIAG = 0x00000203
int MOVED = 0x00010001
int RESIZED = 0x00010002
int LEFT = 0x00000000
int RIGHT = 0x00000001
int CENTER = 0x00000002
int TOP = 0x00000000
int BOTTOM = 0x00000001
int MIDDLE = 0x00000002
int NORTH = 0x00000000
int SOUTH = 0x00000001
int EAST = 0x00000002
int WEST = 0x00000003
int TEXT_ONLY = 0x00000000
int ICON_ONLY = 0x00000001
int TEXT_AND_ICON = 0x00000002
BasicStroke stdStroke
BasicStroke selStroke
BasicStroke needleStroke
BasicStroke heavyStroke
BasicStroke dashed
Color DASHED_EDGE_COLOR = new Color(32,32,32,128)
Color csdrBack = new Color(0,0,0, 8)
Color csdrBorder = new Color(0,0,0, 32)
Color csdrSlideBack = new Color(220, 220, 220)
Color csdrSlideBorder = new Color(64, 64, 64)
Color csdrThumb = new Color(255,255,0)
Color winBack = new Color(240,240,240)
Color winEdge = new Color(160,160,160)

Protected Member Functions

String get_creator (DBase parent, String window)
void read ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DValue1D
void roundValueAndLimits ()
String get_creator (DBase parent, String window)
void read ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DValueBase
void roundValueAndLimits ()
String get_creator (DBase parent, String window)
void read ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBaseVisual
String get_creator (DBase parent, String window)
void displayString (Graphics2D g, Font font, StyledString string)
void read ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
String get_declaration ()
String get_creator (DBase parent, String window)
String get_event_definition ()
String get_event_code ()
String get_event_code (int n)
String get_event_header (int n)
String get_event_header ()
String get_event_end (int n)
String get_event_end ()
String get_window_loop ()
void read ()
void drawHandle (Graphics2D g, int x, int y)
boolean isOverRectangle (int px, int py, int x, int y, int w, int h)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DValue1D
void validateLimits ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DValueBase
void validateType ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBaseVisual
void lockChange ()
void colourSchemeChange ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
void variableNameChanger ()
void make_event_method (ArrayList< String > lines)
void make_declaration (ArrayList< String > lines)
void make_window_loop (ArrayList< String > lines)
void make_creator (ArrayList< String > lines, DBase parent, String window)
String show ()
String toString ()
void draw (Graphics2D g2d, DBase selected)
void updatedInGUI (int action)
void drawSelector (Graphics2D g)
void isOver (MutableDBase m, int x, int y)
void set_name (String c_name)
void set_event_name (String e_name)
String get_name ()
boolean isSelectable ()
boolean isResizeable ()
boolean isMoveable ()
void makeTableModel ()
CtrlPropModel getTableModel ()
BufferedImage getImageFromDataFolder (String filename)
int getSize ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
static int globalColorSchemeID = GCScheme.BLUE_SCHEME
static String globalColorSchemeName = "BLUE_SCHEME"
static Color[] globalJpalette = GCScheme.getJavaColor(globalColorSchemeID)
static Font globalDisplayFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12)
static Font globalInputFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12)
static Font globalSliderFont = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
static String (int i)
static String (float f)
- Protected Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
transient CtrlPropModel propertyModel
boolean selectable = true
boolean resizeable = true
boolean moveable = true
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
static boolean useRoundCorners = true
- Package Attributes inherited from g4p.tool.controls.DBase
StyledString name = null

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: